Exciting News! From the stables of BWBMart. Now EdTech.

remote work

Hey there, imagine this: BWBMart, a place that started by selling stuff online, now helps folks like you get smarter and more successful. Let me break it down. Evolution Unveiled: BWBMart’s Journey from Selling to Empowering Once upon a time, BWBMart sold things online for businesses in Africa. But a magic moment happened in July … Read more

Cultural Adjustment: Overcoming Homesickness and Isolation in a New World

remote work cultural adaptation

Adjusting to a new culture, language, and way of life is an exciting yet challenging journey. The process of cultural adaptation can be overwhelming, often giving rise to homesickness and feelings of isolation. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the experiences of those who have faced these challenges and offer strategies to navigate them. … Read more

20 Fantastic Benefits of Studying Abroad: Knowledge is Big

5 reasons to study abroad at Open Institute of Technology

Studying abroad is a life-changing experience that goes beyond academics. Additionally, it offers a multitude of benefits that shape your personal, academic, and professional growth. So, here are 20 fantastic reasons why studying abroad can be one of the best decisions you’ll ever make: 1. New Friends When you study abroad, you get to make … Read more